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SQLDBDiff V6.1 for SQL Server Version 2005 to SQL 2022, SQL Azure and SQL on Linux Free Download

SQLDBDiff V6.1 for SQL Server Version 2005 to SQL 2022, SQL Azure and SQL on Linux


SQLDBDiff is a comprehensive tool designed for SQL Server databases that allows users to compare schema and data across different versions of SQL Server, including SQL Azure and SQL on Linux. This powerful and intuitive tool offers a wide range of features to simplify the process of database comparison and synchronization.

Key Features

  • Compare the schema and data of SQL Server databases
  • Support for various SQL objects such as tables, columns, views, stored procedures, user-defined functions, triggers, and more
  • Generate schema synchronization scripts
  • Generate schema difference reports
  • Search objects by name or content
  • Compare multiple databases to the same master database
  • Compare database contents, including tables with different schemas or tables without primary keys
  • Generate data synchronization scripts

Advanced Functionality

SQLDBDiff allows users to compare databases at a granular level, with options to select specific columns, define row limits, and add WHERE or ORDER BY clauses. Users can choose between grid mode or text mode for comparison output, providing flexibility and customization.


SQLDBDiffConsole.exe is the command-line version of SQLDBDiff, offering a streamlined approach to database comparison. Users can input commands to compare databases quickly and efficiently, making it ideal for batch processing and automation.

Freeware vs. Shareware

The freeware version of SQLDBDiff is completely free with no evaluation period, providing users with essential features for database comparison. For access to more advanced features, free updates, and technical support via email, users can upgrade to the shareware version by ordering SQLDBDiff.


SQLDBDiff is a valuable tool for database administrators and SQL Server users looking to streamline the process of database comparison and synchronization. With its robust features, intuitive interface, and advanced functionality, SQLDBDiff is a must-have tool for managing SQL Server databases effectively.

Data synchronization scripts | Granular level comparison | SQLDBDiff | Grid mode | Schema synchronization | Automation | Database contents comparison | Data comparison | Database administrators | Schema comparison | Database synchronization | SQL on Linux | Command-line version | SQL Azure | Batch processing | SQL Server | Text mode | Shareware | Technical support | SQLDBDiffConsole | Freeware | Schema difference reports | SQL objects